Coating's Beach Cleanup Day: Volunteers Collect 1,776 kg of Trash

June 13,2024
Coating P. Materials, in collaboration with esteemed partners, LCY GROUP, LIQI CHEMTRADE, SAN FU CHEMICAL, YANGLUCK INTERNATIONAL, and YOUNG SUN CHEMTRADE, organized the "Coating's Beach Cleanup Day: Long Time No Sea!" beach cleaning event. This event saw 122 volunteers gather on a Saturday in May 2024 at the No. 24 wind turbine area of Taichung's Dajia Xi Shi sea wall, rolling up their sleeves and bending down to help protect the ocean.
The weather was perfect for the event, with gentle sunlight and a soft sea breeze following an early morning rain. Led by Coating P. Materials' Chairman Lin Chi-Tsan, Executive Vice President Lin Yung-Tai, and guides from the Sunflower Farm, the volunteers divided into five groups and embarked on the beach cleanup mission along the coastline.
After two hours of hard work, the volunteers successfully collected 1,776 kilograms of coastal trash, predominantly plastic wastes such as plastic bottles, plastic bags, and plastic fragments. They also found considerable amounts of Styrofoam, fishing nets, and fishing gear. This year marks the fourth edition of Coating's beach cleaning event, which has cumulatively engaged over 600 participants and collected more than 4 tons of ocean trash.
Plastic pollution is a significant global environmental issue. It is estimated that up to 12.7 million tons of plastic waste enter the oceans each year, reaching even the most remote areas like the Mariana Trench and reportedly appearing in human bodies. Research shows that 52% of sea turtles have ingested plastic, and approximately 90% of seabirds contain plastic within their systems. Discarded fishing nets and gear also cause entanglement deaths for many marine creatures such as sea turtles and seabirds.
The 2022 International Coastal Cleanup's (ICC) report highlighted that during that year, 1.98 million pieces of microplastics and foam less than 2.5 centimeters in size were collected globally, with a total weight of 3.7 million kilograms, equivalent to the weight of 2,040 great white sharks. The top five global marine debris items in 2022 were: cigarette butts (1.86 million), plastic beverage bottles (1.17 million), food wrappers (990 thousand), plastic bottle caps (840 thousand), and plastic bags (620 thousand). In Taiwan, the most frequently collected item was plastic beverage bottles, with a total number of 35,027.
Coating P. Materials will continue to host voluntary activities in the future, contributing to sustainable development. In addition to collecting trash, the Sunflower Farm arranged a guided tour along the path to the beach, educating volunteers about coastal plants. Through the beach cleanup activity, volunteers not only contribute to environmental protection but also gain insights into the crisis of ocean trash pollution and enhance their understanding of marine ecosystems.
The ocean is a crucial ecosystem for Earth and a vital resource for human survival. However, marine plastic pollution has become increasingly severe in recent years, posing significant threats to marine life and human health. The latest theme for World Oceans Day on June 8, 2024, is "Awaken New Depths." There is an urgent need to change the relationship between humans and the ocean, with both corporations and the public actively fulfilling their social responsibilities to protect our oceans.

2024 Coating's Beach Cleanup Day:
  • Trash Collected: 1,776 kg
  • Participants: 122 people
  • Organizer: Coating P. Materials